Tuesday 29 March 2011

First research Finale

Today i finalized on my research gathering for the first part of my sketchbook. This mostly included gathering images relating to Bokeh, pattern, illusion, shadows etc by doing this it has now granted me the chance to produce more work in the line of other segments of my book like artist studies and even starting contact sheets.

Thursday 24 March 2011

Simple walk

Yesterday i decided to go for a short walk since it was so sunny. I took my camera, hoping to find things that related to hidden identity. On the walk i came across a dire looking alleyway, with amature type graffiti on parts of the fencing and path. leading on to this path was a miniture forrest something which i didn't expect to see. I think the main cause of the surprise wass the fact it was a stones throw away from my house and that i didn't know it was there before.

Tuesday 22 March 2011


‘By means of various techniques and methods to form the illusion of Hiding someone’s or more appropriately, something’s Identity; thus presenting an aberrant photograph towards the typical’

I created this quote to convey my FMP idea in one go. I have spoken before about what i intend to produce but i lean towards this quote in helping me name the theme, even though it is lengthy.

Another Shoot.

Took some more images while the light was still good. I focused on my front room and living room for this shoot but i will be soon be on the way to taking images outside, or to see what i can at least find.
I believe that even these two images convey strong ideas of hidden identity with the use of natural and man made objects, aswell as the use of light and bokeh.

Thursday 17 March 2011

New image

Even though i have taken more pictures than this, i just wanted to show one at the moment for you all to get an insight of what the start of my FMP will include.

Monday 14 March 2011

Quick photo session

Began taking some quick photos of an on button (xbox 360). I took inspiration from my 'hula girl' bokeh image and did the same to this one, i feel the power sign is more obvious and easier to guess than a hula girl but still holds the same principle, though this can be good as it the audience can engage with the photo more, if they are familiar with the sign, or object etc.

Friday 11 March 2011

Quick Inspiration

While browsing youtube i came across a song i used to listen to called 'golden cage' by The whitest boy alive. I'll link the video up so you can see for yourself but i feel the video itself (not the lyrics) hold some partial inspirational ideas which could help enthuase my theme.
The video is random in correlation to the song lyrics but it's all to do with illusions, e.g. colour mix-matching, impossible shapes, clever silhouettes and more. I feel even though this is more graphics related, the idea still poses some good information which i can include in my body of work.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOP37A1EhEs <- link music video

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Starting Out...

So i've began my FMP and i already have many ideas of what techniques i can use to progress the theme of Hidden Identity, these include Bokeh, Out of focus, blur, light painting, 'extreme close-ups' and more. I feel as though inspiration will take help throughout this process and will spark some other interesting concept ideas.
I started off thinking about my front page, i wanted to give it some impact in relation to hidden identity so i began experiemnting with different ideas and have already come up with 3 promising covers, i will present all of them in my sketchbook (mcuh smaller versions than a4) to show how i got to the final cover and why the others didn't make it.